code;level;classificationItemName; "'SSS'";0;"00-54 Total"; "'00-41'";1;"00-41 Diseases and accidental poisoning by alcohol (A00-R99, U071, U072, U109, X45)"; "'00'";2;"00 COVID-19 virus infection (U071, U072, U109)"; "'01-03'";2;"01-03 Certain infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-B99, J65)"; "'01'";3;"01 Tuberculosis (A15-A19, B90, J65)"; "'02'";3;"02 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease (B20-B24)"; "'03'";3;"03 Other infectious and parasitic diseases (A00-A09, A20-B19, B25-B89, B91-B99)"; "'04-22'";2;"04-22 Neoplasms (C00-D48)"; "'04-21'";3;"04-21 Malignant neoplasms (C00-C97)"; "'04'";4;"04 Malignant neoplasms of lip, oral cavity and pharynx (C00-C14)"; "'05'";4;"05 Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus (C15)"; "'06'";4;"06 Malignant neoplasm of stomach (C16)"; "'07'";4;"07 Malignant neoplasm of colon (C18, C19)"; "'08'";4;"08 Malignant neoplasm of rectum, anus and anal canal (C20-C21)"; "'09'";4;"09 Primary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (C22)"; "'10'";4;"10 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas (C25)"; "'11'";4;"11 Malignant neoplasm of larynx, trachea, bronchus and lung (C32-C34)"; "'12'";4;"12 Malignant melanoma of skin (C43)"; "'13'";4;"13 Malignant neoplasm of breast (C50)"; "'14'";4;"14 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri (C53)"; "'15'";4;"15 Malignant neoplasm of uterus (C54-C55)"; "'16'";4;"16 Malignant neoplasm of ovary (C56)"; "'17'";4;"17 Malignant neoplasm of prostate (C61)"; "'18'";4;"18 Malignant neoplasm of kidney (C64)"; "'19'";4;"19 Malignant neoplasm of bladder (C67)"; "'20'";4;"20 Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue (C81-C96)"; "'21'";4;"21 Other malignant neoplasms"; "'22'";3;"22 Other neoplasms (D00-D48)"; "'23-24'";2;"23-24 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E90)"; "'23'";3;"23 Diabetes mellitus (E10-E14)"; "'24'";3;"24 Other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (E00-E09, E15-E90)"; "'25'";2;"25 Dementia, Alzheimers disease (F01, F03, G30, R54)"; "'26'";2;"26 Other diseases of the nervous system and sense organs excl. alcohol-related"; "'27-30'";2;"27-30 Diseases of the circulatory system excl. alcohol-related (I00-I425, I427-I99)"; "'27'";3;"27 Ischaemic heart diseases (I20-I25)"; "'28'";3;"28 Other heart diseases excl. rheumatic and alcohol-related (I30-I425, I427-I52)"; "'29'";3;"29 Cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69)"; "'30'";3;"30 Other diseases of the circulatory system (I00-I15, I26-I28, I70-I99)"; "'31-35'";2;"31-35 Diseases of the respiratory system (J00-J64, J66-J99)"; "'31'";3;"31 Influenza (J09-J11)"; "'32'";3;"32 Pneumonia (J12-J18, J849)"; "'33'";3;"33 Bronchitis and emphysema (J40-J44, J47)"; "'34'";3;"34 Asthma (J45-J46)"; "'35'";3;"35 Other diseases of the respiratory system (J00-J06, J20-J39, J60-J64, J66-J848, J85-J99)"; "'36'";2;"36 Diseases of the digestive system excl. alcohol-related diseases"; "'37'";2;"37 Diseases of the genitourinary system (N00-N99)"; "'38'";2;"38 Congenital malformations (Q00-Q99)"; "'39'";2;"39 Other diseases excl. alcohol-related"; "'40'";2;"40 Ill-defined and unknown causes of mortality (R96-R99)"; "'41'";2;"41 Alcohol-related diseases and accidental poisoning by alcohol"; "'42-53'";1;"42-53 Accidents and violence excl. accidental poisoning by alcohol (V01-X44, X46-Y89, U129)"; "'42-49'";2;"42-49 Accidents excl. accidental poisoning by alcohol (V01-X44, X46-X59, Y10-Y15, Y85-Y86)"; "'42'";3;"42 Land traffic accidents"; "'43'";3;"43 Other land transport accidents"; "'44'";3;"44 Water transport accidents (V90-V94)"; "'45'";3;"45 Others and unspecified transport accidents (V95-V99)"; "'46'";3;"46 Accidental falls (W00-W19)"; "'47'";3;"47 Accidental drownings (W65-W74)"; "'48'";3;"48 Accidental poisonings excl. accidental poisoning by alcohol (X40-X44, X46-X49, Y10-Y15)"; "'49'";3;"49 Other accidents and sequelae of accidents"; "'50'";2;"50 Suicides (X60-X84, Y870)"; "'51'";2;"51 Assault (X85-Y09, Y871)"; "'52'";2;"52 Event of undetermined intent (Y16-Y34, Y872)"; "'53'";2;"53 Other external causes and sequelae of other external causes (Y35-Y84, Y88-Y89, U129)"; "'54'";1;"54 No death certificate";