News 25 Jan 2022

You can find information about differences between areas in Paavo

Which of Finland’s postal code areas have most jobs in services? And which has the highest number of persons with tertiary degrees? These and much more information can be found from Statistics Finland’s free-of-charge Paavo service. The service’s data have been updated today, on Paavo's name day.

Paavo - Open data by postal code area contains diversified statistical and map data by postal code area. The data are available as an easy-to-use database and downloadable through the interface service. The data can be used for decision-making or for learning more about your area of residence.

Paavo's statistical data contain data on the areas' population structure, the degree of education, the income of the inhabitants and households, the size of households and life stage, buildings and dwellings, workplaces, and the main activities of the inhabitants. New data are updated to the service annually in January.

Postal code areas of over 50 inhabitants that in relative terms have the highest number of persons with tertiary degrees, 2020
Postal code areas that in relative terms have the highest number of persons with tertiary degrees. 02450  Sundsberg (Kirkkonummi) 60 %, 02110  Otsolahti (Espoo) 59 %, 02120  Länsikorkee-Suvikumpu (Espoo) 59 %, 02130  Pohjois-Tapiola (Espoo) 59 %, 02160  Westend (Espoo) 58 %, 00210  Vattuniemi (Helsinki) 58 %,  02240  Friisilä (Espoo) 58 %, 00200  Pohjois-Lauttasaari (Helsinki) 57 %, 00170  Kruununhaka (Helsinki) 56 %, 02180  Mankkaa (Espoo) 56 %.

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