About the site

The addresses of Statistics Finland's web service are tilastokeskus.fi and stat.fi.

Content of the service

The web service is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. The contents are limited in Swedish and English. The contents of the language versions may differ.

The front page contains links to the latest statistical data that are updated on weekdays at 8 am. The release times are given in advance in the release calendar. The front page also comprises topical news, updated key figures and shortcuts to Statistics Finland's key services.

The Statistical data section comprises statistics by topic.

The Metadata section contains classifications and definitions of the concepts used in the statistics. The section also includes information on statistical data protection and data protection descriptions.

The Data collections section provides information about data collections carried out by Statistics Finland and gives instructions to respondents.

The Products and services section includes information on Statistics Finland's service selection, such as research services, interview services and information service. The section also contains a wide array of statistical services, such as databases and indicator services.

The News section has the latest news and the news archive,  information on coming events and social media channels, and information on topical themes. News notifications can be ordered to email.

The About us section presents Statistics Finland as an organisation and describes the agency's national and international cooperation network.  

Web browsers and responsiveness

The web service works with the most common browser versions. The website is responsive and its content gets scaled according to the terminal device.


We use cookies in Statistics Finland’s web service.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files saved on the device you use to access our web pages. Cookies can be used to carry out certain functions on the pages and remember the selections you have made. Cookies can also be used to collect data on how much each web content is used.

What do we use cookies for?

We use cookies to ensure the functioning of the website, monitor the quality of the pages, and present third party services or content.

Cookies that ensure the functioning of the website, or the essential cookies 

The so-called essential cookies ensure that our web pages function technically correctly. We also set an essential cookie based on the cookie selection you have made. You cannot prevent setting these cookies with the cookie selection. The essential cookies are cookies set by Statistics Finland. We do not release them to outside parties. 

Other cookies

Non-essential cookies are cookies that you can prevent from being set with the cookie selection you make. If you do not accept all cookies, the content that requires cookies will not be shown on our pages.

Services intended for quality development and their cookies

By means of the Askem service users can give feedback on the content of an individual website. This service is visible only to users who accept all cookies. Askem sets cookies to identify events coming from the same browser. Users cannot be identified from these cookies. Askem does not release any information. Read more about Askem cookies (askem.com).

Services intended for displaying services or contents and their cookies 

By means of the Chat service users can ask information specialists working at Statistics Finland's information services questions related to statistics. The Chat is available on some of our web pages and only to users who accept all cookies. The implementation of the Chat service was acquired from Elisa Corporation, and its cookies are set by Elisa. Cookies allow chats between customers and a customer service workers. Elisa does not release any information. 

The video player and videos of the YouTube service have been embedded in a few of our pages. We offer user instructions as videos, for example. Videos are visible only to users who accept all cookies. YouTube sets cookies to display videos. Read more about cookies used by YouTube (policies.google.com).

The audio player and podcasts of the Soundcloud service are embedded on our podcasts page. Podcasts are visible on the page only to users who accept all cookies.  Soundcloud sets cookies. Read more about Soundcloud cookies (soundcloud.com)

Map images of the Paikkatietoikkuna have been embedded in some of our geographic information pages. Map images are visible only to users who accept all cookies. Paikkatietoikkuna is a national geospatial portal maintained by the National Land Survey of Finland. To show map images, the National Land Survey sets a cookie saving the language selection and a session-specific identifier as well as two cookies directing server traffic during the session. 

Accepting or rejecting cookies

You can accept all cookies or continue only with the essential ones. If you use the website only with essential cookies, the content that requires cookies will not be shown to you. 

You can change the selection you have made at any time. Change the settings from the next button. If you want to change your settings later, you can visit this page under “Cookie settings” in the site footer.

Attachment files

The attachment files in the web service are mostly in PDF and xlsx format (Excel). For reading PDF files you need a specific reader program, which can be downloaded free from the Adobe website.

RSS feeds

Part of the web service contents can be subscribed to as RSS feeds. The feeds are available in Finnish, Swedish and English. The contents of the language versions may differ.

Open data and interfaces

The interfaces offered by Statistics Finland to open data users can all be found on the Open data pages.


The state of accessibility of Statistics Finland's different web services has been described in the accessibility statement of each service.

Further information about the accessibility of Statistics Finland's web services is available by email at saavutettavuus@stat.fi.

Further information about accessibility can be found in Finnish and Swedish on the accessibility website maintained by the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland

Data protection descriptions

Statistics Finland's data protection descriptions can be found in Finnish and Swedish on the Data protection descriptions page.

Terms of Use

Unless otherwise separately stated in connection with the product, data or service concerned, Statistics Finland is the producer of the data and the owner of the copyright. Most of the data on our websites can be freely used provided that Statistics Finland is quoted as the source. However, the use of photographs and illustrative images elsewhere is not allowed. Read more about the Terms of Use.

Legal provision

The aim is to keep the contents of the web service correct and timely. We invest in the reliability of the web service, but there may be technical problems in the web service. Statistics Finland is not responsible for any costs or damages that may be caused by possible errors or technical problems.

Contact information and feedback

You can send feedback with the feedback form or by email at verkkotoimitus(at)stat.fi.