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Appendix table 1. Educational institutions' adult education not leading to a qualification by main content and type of education in 2011

Content of education Type of education
Further vocational education, not apprenticeship training Further vocational education, apprenticeship training Employment training for adults Courses ordered by the employer Education organised as liberal adult education Open polytechnic teaching Open university teaching Other education Total
Total 410 059 64 661 1 240 252 403 615 2 915 856 283 361 69 164 256 434 5 643 402
General education 10 863 - 69 097 510 43 434 211 202 29 731 154 048
Humanities and Education 29 336 615 315 814 47 359 576 807 17 716 38 438 20 354 1 046 439
Culture 20 823 63 7 168 1 735 1 518 474 26 747 8 209 34 052 1 617 271
Economics and Administration 38 123 25 778 78 931 51 369 88 006 98 653 14 420 24 471 419 751
Natural sciences 37 184 673 32 809 10 983 103 032 29 263 663 7 957 222 564
Technology and Transport 95 589 6 295 413 039 148 303 31 049 28 036 422 30 930 753 663
Natural resources and the Enviroment 19 140 3 097 11 123 4 765 10 668 6 674 126 5 010 60 603
Welfare, Health and Sport 90 014 25 407 73 037 109 258 474 970 58 847 5 021 36 633 873 187
Tourism, Catering and Home economics 26 214 2 604 38 719 9 537 25 725 17 214 315 8 095 128 423
Other education 42 773 129 200 515 19 796 43 691 - 1 348 59 201 367 453

Source: Education. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Riitta Auvinen 09 1734 3569,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

Updated 14.12.2012

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Adult education of educational institutions [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-4551. 2011, Appendix table 1. Educational institutions' adult education not leading to a qualification by main content and type of education in 2011 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 27.9.2024].
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