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Published: 21 September 2018

Non-financial corporations sector’s profits growing in the second quarter of 2018

Households’ saving rate weakened slightly in April to June from the previous quarter. The saving rate was slightly negative, because consumption expenditure increased more than disposable income. Households' investment rate continued growing. The profit share of the non-financial corporations sector improved compared to the previous quarter as the sector's value added grew faster than compensation of employees paid. The investment rate of non-financial corporations, in turn, remained on level with the previous quarter. These data derive from Statistics Finland’s quarterly sector accounts.

Key indicators for households and non-financial corporations, seasonally adjusted

Key indicators for households and non-financial corporations, seasonally adjusted

In April to June, households' saving rate diminished by 0.6 percentage points to -0.2 per cent. The saving rate refers to the share of households’ savings of disposable income. Households’ investment rate increased slightly and stood at 13 per cent. Most of households' investments are investments in dwellings. Households' adjusted disposable income grew from the corresponding quarter of the previous year by 2.8 per cent adjusted for price changes. Adjusted income is the indicator recommended by the OECD for evaluating the economic well-being of households. Adjusted disposable income is derived by adding individual services produced by the public sector, such as education, health and social services, to the disposable income of households.

In the second quarter of 2018, the profit share of non-financial corporations, or the share of operating surplus describing profits in value added, grew to 31.2 per cent from 30.2 per cent in the previous quarter. The investment rate of non-financial corporations, or the proportion of investments in value added, remained on level with the previous quarter at 25.2 per cent.

The key figures were calculated from seasonally adjusted time series. Sector accounts are calculated only at current prices. However, a volume indicator describing the development adjusted for price changes is calculated for households' adjusted disposable income in a separate Appendix table. The profit share, saving rate and investment rate are calculated from net figures, which means that consumption of fixed capital is taken into account. Households do not include non-profit institutions serving households.

Source: Sector accounts, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Jarkko Kaunisto 029 551 3551, Katri Soinne 029 551 2778,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

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Updated 21.9.2018

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Quarterly sector accounts [e-publication].
ISSN=2243-4992. 2nd quarter 2018. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 27.9.2024].
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